About Us
UCCE in Sonoma County
The mission of the University of California Cooperative Extension is to extend information developed at the University of California to enhance quality of life and the environmental and economic well-being of the citizens of California through research and education.
Cooperative Extension has research support and organizational capacity in agriculture and natural resources, in family and consumer sciences, in community resources development and in youth development. University of California advisors are housed in County Cooperative Extension offices throughout California. These advisors extend knowledge and provide county research in selected Cooperative Education program areas. Specialists housed on University campuses conduct research and work with advisors in the counties to provide information for dissemination.
Storymap of the work of UCCE Sonoma County from 2021 (built by Michelle Nozzari): https://arcg.is/0f9S5q0
UC ANR Works for California
UC Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County programs include; 4-H Youth Development, Ag Ombudsman, Integrated Pest Management, Livestock & Range Management, Marine Science, Master Gardeners, Specialty Crops and Olives, Sudden Oak Death, Viticulture and Watershed Management.
ANR works hand in hand with industry to enhance agricultural markets, help the balance of trade, address environmental concerns, protect plant health, and provide farmers with scientifically tested production techniques and Californians with increased food safety.
- 200 locally based Cooperative Extension advisors and specialists
- 57 local offices throughout California
- 130 campus-based Cooperative Extension specialists
- 9 Research and Extension Centers
- 6 statewide programs
- 700 academic researchers in 40 departments at 3 colleges and 1 professional school:
- UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources
- UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
- UC Riverside College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Our advisors live and work in the communities they serve. To many Californians we are the face of UC—providing expertise, visibility and a keen understanding of local issues.
Together with our campus partners, we build the bridge between the people of California and their great University.
For an overview of the breadth of UC ANR's extension and research activities, download the Cultivating California brochure. (1.7 MB)
Sonoma County in the 80s - Video interview with Farm Advisers Jim Brenner and Stephanie Larson. A look at what UCCE Sonoma County was like in the 1980's. Recorded in 1988 by Sonoma County (Calif.). Public Information Office