Welcome new Admin Aide

Mar 19, 2020

We are happy to announce a new UCCE 4-H Administrative Aide: Michelle Nozzari. Michelle has been with our office since October 2017 as a Senior Agricultureal Program Assistant. 

Michelle Nozzari head Shot
Michelle is a Sonoma County native. She grew up in Sebastopol on a few acres of vines, raising chickens and Jacob sheep in her youth. She received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Sonoma State University, with a minor in applied statistics. During her undergraduate degree, she developed a passion for scientific literacy and collaborative learning. She is very excited to start this new role, working with 4-H youth and volunteers.

Her responsibilities will include: 4-H enrollment (including tracking eXtension and Live Scan); storing cross-club forms; reviewing and forwarding bank statements; processing facility use agreements and parade float approvals; Reporter newsletter; social media; and website updates.

Michelle will be transitioning to this position as training allows with the coronavirus situation.

More about Michelle

As aSAPA, Michelle has worked on a variety of research and outreach projects. She provided primary support to the Viticulture, Livestock and Rangeland Management, and Dairy Science programs, assisting in field site work and data collection. Michelle has also provided administrative support by responding to public calls and question about program events. She has assisted in creating online resources related to contract grazing and dairy producer resources. . Michelle will continue to work on the website and outreach.

Prior to joining UCCE, she worked for Ag Commissioner as an Agricultural Program Assistant in the Pest Detection Program. She monitored the presence of pests including exotic fruit flies, Japanese beetle, and gypsy moth. During the 2017 fires, she escorted people into evacuation zones monitored by national guard/law enforcement so that they could perform essential agricultural operations. 


  • Michelle completed her senior thesis at SSU on the relationship between pacific newt species hybridization events and anthropogenic pollution.
  • As part of her statistical consulting class, she performed statistical analysis and consultation work for Project Fit America, which donates physical fitness equipment and curriculum about the cardiovascular activities for youth in traditionally underserved areas.
  • In high school, she interned at UCSF and worked in Cystic Fibrosis Clinic. Her project focused on studying adolescent cystic fibrosis patients transitioning to adult care.
  • In middle school, she was an intern/junior reporter for local newspaper.

You can reach Michelle at Michelle.Nozzari@sonoma-county.orgmnozzari@ucanr.edu, or (707) 565-2621. 

By Steven M. Worker
Author - 4-H Youth Development Advisor