4-H Fly Tying legacy at Hopland REC

Jan 16, 2013

4-H Fly Tying legacy at Hopland REC

Jan 16, 2013

For about 15 years the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center has been "home base" for the Ukiah Shamrock's 4-H Fly-Tying project.   Bob Keiffer, project leader, has instructed many 4-H youths the basic techniques of creating fishing flies to fish for trout in the western states. 

Each year the group attempts a backpack trip to some remote region of California where the youths can fish for trout in pristine mountain streams or lakes.  So far, leader Keiffer says, "There has been a 100% success-rate of each one of them catching at least one wild trout on a hand-made fly".

Here you see two beginner fly tyers learning how to make a "Wooly Bugger" fly pattern.  The scary thing for project leader Keiffer, is realizing that the young man on the left has a high school math teacher who also went through the 4-H project years ago. 

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By Robert J Keiffer
Author - Center Superintendent