Double pleasure, double fun for lucky ewe

Jan 15, 2013

Double pleasure, double fun for lucky ewe

Jan 15, 2013

Lambing season is a busy time here at the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center.  With over 600 "Western White-face" ewes giving birth in about a six week period the days and season are filled with activity. 

Ewes that give multiple births (twins or triplets) get a bit of extra loving care from the managers.  Usually these ewes are given a bit more time with their lambs in confined spaces to increase the maternal bonding between the mother and ALL of her lambs.  Then, in most cases, they are placed into smaller pastures, such as this ewe with twins, as compared to ewes with singles that are turned out into larger pastures.   This lowers to risk of lamb loss due to predation or abandonment.

The lambs and ewes are sided branded with paint numbers so that the "family" can always be identified.  In the case of this ewe with twins, it is double the pleasure and double the fun for the lucky ewe.

IMG 7436 copy

By Robert J Keiffer
Author - Center Superintendent