Niche Meat Marketing Workshops Being Held at the PlacerGROWN Farm Conference

Jan 8, 2013

The PlacerGROWN Farm Conference will feature two workshops on niche meat marketing for farmers and ranchers. The theme of the 2013 PlacerGROWN Farm Conference is Survive and Thrive. This conference will be held Saturday, January 26th at Lincoln High School from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. The conference is co-sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension and PlacerGROWN. Additional support is provided by USDA Risk Management Agency and CDFA Specialty Crops Block Grant. The workshops will cover the following information:

Are you in the Livestock Business or the Meat Business?

Do you want to raise and market meat products?  Or would you rather raise animals and market them at a premium without having to market meat?  This workshop will walk through the production, processing and marketing considerations for ranchers who are considering marketing meat directly to customers.

The Cost of Adding Value – Does Marketing Meat Make Economic Sense?

Can you actually make more profit by selling meat rather than selling live animals?  Three experienced producers will walk us through economic analyses of selling meat at farmers’ markets, directly to restaurants and through specialty retail outlets.

These workshops will be part of 10 workshops to be held on January 26th at Lincoln High School, located in Lincoln,CA. For more information, including registration, visit either or, or call PlacerGROWN at (530) 889-7398 or UC Cooperative Extension at (530) 889-7385.

Scholarship information is available at:

By Roger S Ingram
Author - Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, Emeritus