Bee There or Bee Square: Honey Bee Haven Events and Classes in 2018

Bee There or Bee Square: Honey Bee Haven Events and Classes in 2018

We have an exciting selection of classes and events planned for 2018 at the Haven. And we're off to a great start: 575 visitors joined us on Biodiversity Museum Day to learn about bees and flowers, to make 'Feed the Bees' cookies, and to try their skill at safely catching and observing bees with our insect vacuums. The day before #BioDivDay we hosted the Outstanding Farmers of America. It was great to share the Haven with so many of the growers who depend on bees to produce their crops.

Planting the Bee Garden class learns about solitary bee houses
Planting the Bee Garden class learns about solitary bee houses

We'll be offering our bee gardening class again this year; a new class is Bee Watching for Beginners. Ever wondered what all those different bees at the Haven or in your garden are? This is the class for you!

Our next event is our Spring Open House on April 7; click here for a complete list of 2018 events and classes. Hope to see you there!

Honey Bee Haven May to September 2018 events
Honey Bee Haven May to September 2018 events

By Christine Casey
Author - Academic Program Management Officer III