Plant List and Design for a Medium-Water Bee Garden

Aug 24, 2015

Plant List and Design for a Medium-Water Bee Garden

Aug 24, 2015

The garden bed to the right of the Honey Bee Haven entrance has been re-planted. As with any garden, some material had become overgrown and other plants were at the end of their productive flowering life. And remember at the Haven we're all about flowers!

The new planting emphasizes long-blooming bee favorites that will do well in full sun to light shade in much of California. With a few exceptions, this bed contains plants with a Medium or Low WUCOLS water-use rating. For the complete plant list and planting plan, including bloom times, flower color, and water use, click here.

Thanks to volunteers Cassie Bullock and Rick Williams who did much of the plant removal, planting, and mulching.

By Christine Casey
Author - Academic Program Management Officer III