Lucia Varela, IPM Advisor and Rhonda Smith, Viticulture Farm Advisor of UCCE Sonoma County along with seven other team members were recognized for their work to eradicate EGVM with an environmentally sound pest management approach that relied on the use of mating disruption and reduced risk insecticides.
Quote from their nomination:
“This nine member team of AES faculty, CE Specialists, Advisors and an Academic Coordinator rapidly developed and coordinated a program that saved the wine and table grape industries from economic disaster caused by an invasive insect... The Team simultaneously provided methods to eradicate a potentially devastating invasive pest and supported the core goals of the Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program by protecting people and the environment from pests and pest management practices.”
Pictured: Glenda Humiston, VP UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Robert Van Steenwyk, UC Berkeley Specialist Emeritus; Lucia Varela; Rhonda Smith; Frank Zalom, UC Davis Specialist. Not pictured: Walt Bentley, UC IPM Entomologist Emeritus; Larry Bettiga and Monica Cooper, Viticulture Farm Advisors in Monterey and Napa Counties respectively; Kent Daane, UC Berkeley Specialist; and Joyce Strand, UC Davis IPM Academic Coordinator Emeritus.
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