UCCE Celebrates 100 Years!

Apr 1, 2014

UCCE Celebrates 100 Years!

Apr 1, 2014

UCCE Centennial Cake logo
What is now known as Cooperative Extension was established by an Act of Congress - the Smith-Lever Act of 1914. Lawmakers sought to boost agricultural productivity and enhance the lives of rural families by creating a service that channels research advances from college campuses to rural Americans.

Today, UC Cooperative Extension continues to serve communities throughout California as part of the University of California's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR), with 200 locally based Cooperative Extension advisors, 130 campus-based Cooperative Extension specialists, 57 county offices throughout the state, and nine research and extension centers.  

Over a century of service, Cooperative Extension has continued to connect communities with the land grant campus, bringing practical, trusted, science based solutions to Californians.

By Karen Giovannini
Author - Agriculture Ombudsman