April 4-H Reporter

Mar 26, 2018

 Sonoma 4-H News

Read more news at California 4-H News or National 4-H News


Check out our County Calendar here!


New Events and Deadlines


From My Heart to Yours...

Almost seventeen years ago, I was offered the opportunity, to take on the job as Sonoma County's 4-H Program Representative.

After spending years working as a teacher, a curriculum editor and a consultant for National Geographic, I was excited to have an opportunity to dive into a new world of dedicated, passionate volunteers and youth who were making a difference in the world. I have been extremely proud to be a part of Sonoma County 4-H, and cannot say enough about the greatness of the program we have here. I also cannot stress the extent of how the youth of this program are helpful, civic minded and innovative. It is so true that 4-H teaches youth, not what to think, but how to think.

As I look toward my upcoming retirement, I feel like a 4-H'er must feel as she gets ready to age-out of the program.

The adult volunteers seemed more near and dear as I attended my last monthly Council meeting. Any petty differences or friction over unfinished paperwork quickly slipped away. As I looked at everybody through green-colored glasses, I thought about things that I had learned from them. In my career, I had never before been exposed to such a dedicated group of people. They give their time, their energy and most of all their hearts, to help make the 4-H experience all that it was meant to be, for the youth of our county. Many, if not most of these folks have full time jobs. But they tirelessly give up their evenings, give up their weekends and even give up their summer vacations in order to craft this program to reach its fullest potential, so that the youth will have the opportunities to do the same with their lives.

The success of this youth program is largely due to the families, the volunteers and the members themselves. It is also due to the encouragement, support and wisdom from the Board of Supervisors, the County Director, the office staff, the state and from our community at large. Without all of our partners working together there would be no 4-H program in Sonoma County.

I challenge all of our youth to continue to set high goals for their lives, and to work hard to achieve those goals. Trite but true, anything can be done that you set your mind to, with hard work and determination. Look to your role models for inspiration. And I know our adult volunteers will continue to do what they do best, which is use their creativity, their patience, their insight and their love to keep this county program going at the level of excellence it is at and to grow beyond. It is certainly true that all of you bleed green!

“Graduating” from 4-H and moving into retirement is exciting for me to begin, however, I will certainly miss my co-workers, 4-H members, their families as well as miss working with so many wonderful people across Sonoma County.
Thanks for all the support and memories!


All Star Ambassador Application Now online

4-H All Star County Ambassadors are role models for their fellow 4-H members and their community. 4-H All Star County Ambassadors assist with county events, develop plans of action, and perform service projects. This esteemed position keeps older members involved by providing them with leadership development through goals to strive for as they serve as leader role models for younger members. Learn more at http://cesonoma.ucanr.edu/4H/For_Youth/Ambassador/

all Stars 2016-2017

  • Applicant must be between 14 – 18 years old by May 1, 2018.
  • Applicant must have completed at least one year of membership in 4-H.
  • Applicant must have demonstrated leadership experience and skills.

Completing a 4-H Record Book is not an application requirement.

Apply HERE for 4-H All Star County Ambassadors - Deadline Extended

Complete application (including this form and the components listed above) are due to the UCCE Sonoma County 4-H Office postmarked by April 30, 2018. Incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation. Send applications to either: cesonoma4h@ucanr.edu or by mail to:

UCCE Sonoma 4-H
ATTN: Jesenia Mendoza
133 Aviation Blvd, Ste 109
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-8279

New Adult Advisor: Heather Borck

Heather Borck is the new 4-H All Star Advisor. She recently returned to her hometown of Santa Rosa after spending 10 years in Nebraska. While in Nebraska she competed a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture economics and a Master of Science degree in agriculture education. She worked as a county 4-H Extension Educator and then on the Nebraska 4-H State Staff. She is excited to be continuing her career in agriculture and youth programs as the Sonoma County Fair Exhibits Coordinator. As a Gateway 4-H Club and Santa Rosa FFA alumnus, she showed rabbits as well as market lambs and hogs. She is extremely excited about meeting this year's all star team and planning a great year!

Teen Career Exploration

 Our 3rd Exploration is coming up! Don't forget to sign up now. 

Click here to sign up.

3rd TCE

From the Chickenque Committee 

The 57th Annual 4-H Open House and Chicken BBQ is 30 days away! May 6th will be here in a blink. The committee has been fine-tuning details and we're excited for the day to arrive.  Many thanks to Clubs, Chickenque Reps, County Office staff and many other who are working hard to bring this event to our community.

If you have the opportunity, please share our open house flyer. You are welcome put it out while selling tickets or ask if your local school will include it in their newsletter or family folders.

PROJECT BOOTHS: We would like to encourage your club and project leaders to organize one or two project booths.  We want visitors see all that 4-H can offer to their family. Plus, there is a $50 per booth incentive (up to two booths) per club!  DEADLINE TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR BOOTH SPACE IS APRIL 20TH  BY 4PM. DEADLINE EXTENDED

Please fill out and return to:

4-H Office Attn: ChickenQue Booth
133 Aviation Blvd, Suite 109, Santa Rosa CA 95403-1077 
Email to cesonoma4H@ucanr.edu?or fax to (707) 565-2623


PARKING will be free for ChickenQue.  Go to the Brookwood lot and tell the attendant you are coming to ChickenQue.

DESSERTS can be dropped off SUNDAY ONLY.  You may drop the cake at the drive thru or at the cake booth from 8AM – 11AM. NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ITEMS DELIVERED AFTER 11AM. We encourage clubs to “carpool” with cakes:  Have one family deliver more than one cake to the drive thru on SUNDAY MORNING.  Drive on access may not be available.  A quick note from the cake booth, please do not bring pies or cakes that require refrigeration.  

Desserts must be signed in, under your club name, in the binders provided.



VOLUNTEERS:  Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer… we couldn't put on this event without you!  If you haven't had a chance to sign up yet, please go to the following link and look for volunteer shifts that say “WE NEED MORE HELP HERE!”


IMG 3254
FAIR APPRECIATION FOLLOW-UP:  Once again, 4-H members and their parents came together to help spruce up the fair. Many thanks to the 62 volunteers who showed up in the rain on Sunday, March 11th for” Fair Appreciation Day!”  We spread bark, pulled weeds, cleaned barns and Fur and Feathers, washed water dishes, and more. We appreciated everyone's great attitudes and willingness to help out...

Visit   www.sonomacountychickenque.com above for information, online ticket sales, flyers, applications for booths, cake judging, mini-gardens.

Online ticket sales are a convenient way for people to get their ChickenQue tickets.  Go to www.sonomacountychickenque.com  Remember that if tickets are purchased online, there is a dropdown menu with club names so club credit is received.If you need more tickets, text Stefanie Stornetta at 707-477-3071

If you have any questions or great ideas, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

Fred Frey, fred@vintagetreecare.com                               Nell Western, nkw161@gmail.com

 2018 State Archery Match 

This year the 2018 State Archery Match will be hosted by Nevada County. The match is a postal match where you receive your targets through the mail and shoot them in your home county. The results are compared to shooters across the state. The entries are due to Nevada County by April 20th. Rules and copies of the entries are were sent to all county 4-H staff so contact your local office if you need them. For questions regarding payments or entries contact Jill Simmons UCCE Nevada County 530-273-4769 or jcsimmons@ucanr.edu For questions regarding rules, targets, scoring, awards, etc. contact jeanette Oliver at 530-575-9572 or email jlo63@comcast.net  

Backyard Poultry egg

May - Chicken Que 049 - Pablo 5
Howdy Team!

It is our pleasure introduce you to Dr. Maurice, otherwise known as the Chicken Whisperer. Maurice has a great opportunity for egg-loving citizens to have backyard chicken eggs tested for FREE.

Here's the UC ANR and the UC School of Veterinary Medicine video that CropMobster pitched in on.

Request: If you have egg laying chickens this is the project for you. So watch the video and send in your eggs! And we'd LOVE it if you would spread the word to anyone and everyone in the great state of California! 

Enjoy folks and share if you have an extra moment. Yes, with your help, we will change the world one egg at a time. 

UC Backyard Chicken Egg Study

Californians are invited to participate in a backyard chicken egg study! The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is testing eggs from backyard chickens in California for free. UC Cooperative Extension poultry specialist Maurice Pitesky describes the project in a video by UCD SVM, UC ANR and our friends at CropMobster.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

 Swine Exhibitions

Hi everyone, As fair season is quickly approaching, the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials (NASAHO) and the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) released some helpful information to minimize influenza transmission at swine exhibitions. Please read the following documents for more information:

 Measures to Minimize Influenza Transmission at Swine Exhibitions, 2018

 Minimizing Influence Transmission during Exhibitions - Checklist for Protecting Guests, Exhibitors, and Pigs

 Thank you, Jessica Bautista, PhD

National DNA Day

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project. To commemorate this milestone, National DNA Day will be celebrated on April 25. It will focus on key genomic advances that have occurred over the past 15 years and the increasing importance of genetics and genomics in people's lives. This project is coordinated by the NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).

Additional activities will be held throughout the year. For more information, including hands-on activity ideas, visit https://www.genome.gov/10506367/national-dna-day/.

If you would like some DNA “Did You Know” visuals that could be used at 4-H meetings, workshops or fairs, please email Jessica Bautista.

Status Reports

From the 4-H Youth Development Advisor, Steven Worker

 Presidents Letter - Naomi Edwards

Naomi Edwards
Hello Sonoma County 4-H!!

 I am happy to see the rain bringing beautiful flowers all over our hills. 

 We are having to say goodbye to Judy Ludovise after 17 years of dedicated work. We will miss her relentless spirit of helpfulness, championing for more enjoyable projects and keeping the program moving forward. We will miss her!!!

 Sonoma County 4-H will soon be upon us! The 57th Annual Open House and Chickenque will be May 6th, 2018 "4-H is Sonoma County Strong".  Please help us show the public how great the 4-H program is by setting up 2 booths for every club showing your activities, projects, or community involvement! Thanks to our terrific CQ committee for working so hard to create a wonderful event for everyone. The enrollment system for signing up for jobs is up and running!  Thank you to all of you that have signed up for Fair Appreciation Day!   Your hard work and dedication is essential to make this event the best and show the Sonoma County Fairgrounds how much we appreciate their support.  Remember that tickets are now available for purchase online and there is the option to purchase directly in support of a particular club.  Spread the word!   

  All of you will soon be very busy with camp, fair and other summer activities so there's no better time than the present to catch up on those record books before time gets away from you.  Don't wait till the last minute – start working on those books as your events happen!  

 We have two more CCC meetings this year and we will be electing a few new council positions this year.  If you are interested in any position on the board, please email me and we can make sure to get you on the ballot! Our board is fun, creative and is always looking for fresh faces and new ideas so please consider joining us!

 Clover Day was attended on March 17 and enjoyed by Sonoma, Napa, and Marin counties. 

 How has your club been volunteering this year? Please have a youth write into the office so it can be shared with all of us via this newsletter.

 Warmly, Naomi

Policies and Procedures

 4-H Accident/Sickness Insurance

Fees for accident/sickness insurance are included in the annual 4-H program enrollment fees. Members and adult volunteers are provided limited accident coverage when taking part in or attending an approved, regularly supervised 4-H activities. They are also covered while traveling directly between home and a 4-H meeting place for a scheduled activity. The policy limit is $10,000 and is secondary to members and leaders own private medical insurance. More information

California 4-H will no longer accept grants from the NRA Foundation

UC ANR (the home organization for California

4-H) will continue to support our 4-H Shooting Sports program while also joining with the many sporting goods stores, corporations, and school systems that are rejecting ties to the NRA. Going forward, ANR will not apply for any such grants from the NRA Foundation. More information.



STEM professional development for out-of-school time educators

Youth Development through Veterinary Science

Community Requests
4-H does not endorse  any person in the community who make requests. As always, please use caution when contacting someone. 4-H members who accept listed jobs are doing so as an individual, outside of the scope of the 4-H program.

Free Cabbage cores for feed

Contact Bobby Anderson at 707-494-5327

Free Equestrian Items for 4-H

Here is a list of items that I would like to donate to 4H:

 6 - Saddle Blankets

2 - Saddle Pads

3 - Cinches

3 - Halters with lead ropes

1 - Curb Bit

1 - Bridle

1 - Reins

1 - Brush

2 - Leg Wraps

1 - Plastic Grain Bucket

1 - Saddle Rack

Steve Carlton



Sonoma County 4-H @SonomaCounty4H

Copyright © 2017 The Regents of the University of California

University of California Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County
133 Aviation Blvd, Ste. 109, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities (Complete non discrimination policy statement can be found at http://ucanr.edu/sites/ anrstaff/files/169224.pdf). Inquiries regarding ANR's non discrimination policies may be directed to John I. Sims, Affirmative Action compliance Officer/Title



By J. M.
Author - 4-H Administrative Aide/Outreach