December 20 4-H News

Dec 20, 2016

December 20 4-H News

Dec 20, 2016

Sonoma 4-H News

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Read more news at: California 4-H News or National 4-H News


Check out our County Calendar here!


  • January 3, 7pm - CCC Meeting - 4-H Center
  • January 9 - Applications due for 4-H State Ambassador
  • January 19 - S3 @ Children's Museum of Sonoma County
  • January 27 - Essays due for the 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest
  • January 27-29 - 4-H Creating a Leader (CAL) Conference



New Events and Deadlines
  • Grow 4-H Meeting
    January 19th from 6-7:30pm at the 4-H office in Santa Rosa. 
    Purpose: Bring together the 4-H community to brainstorm ideas to help grow the 4-H program.
    • What will it take to grow Sonoma 4-H to reach at least 3% of the county's K-12 youth population (approximately 3,000 youth)? Including everything from additional funding and better marketing to finding administrative efficiencies or making program adaptations.
    • What will it take to grow Sonoma 4-H to recruit more 4-H volunteer leaders?

    Process: Gather ideas and strategies at the idea meeting. These ideas will be put into a survey and sent out to the broader 4-H community to rank.

    Participants: 4-H Volunteer Leaders, Members, and Parents, and community members interested and willing to help grow 4-H! Register for 4-H Grow!

  • Register for 4-H Clover Day; for 4-H Volunteer Leaders
    February 25, 2017 @ the 4-H Center
    Register here. Program focused on skill and relationship building for 4-H volunteer leaders to MEET fellow leaders, SHARE ideas and strategies, and LEARN from one another. Lunch keynote is Temple Grandin. 

  • 2017-2018 4-H State Ambassador
    Applications due January 9, 2017
    Apply Here
    The California 4-H State Ambassador Program is a working honor that provides 4-H members expanded opportunities to serve the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program. The 4-H State Ambassador position is one of the highest service opportunities and recognition attainable in the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.
  • 2017 UC Davis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Field Day
    March 3-4, 2017 at UC Davis with Registration due February 3, 2017
    The UC Davis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Field Day will take place March 3-4, 2017 at UC Davis. This field day is open to both FFA and 4-H members. 4-H members may compete in any of the contests offered. Please note that the Livestock Judging, the Poultry Judging and the Dairy Judging contests are considered State qualifiers to attend the National events. For more information about the event, please visit 

  • 2017 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest
    Due January 27, 2017
    Enter here. 

  • 4-H State Cooking Competition - at the California State Fair JULY 25th
    4-H members 9 and older are invited to participate in the 4-H State Cooking Competition at the California State Fair. In preparation for this event we suggest Project Leaders use the Cooking 101 curriculum (available here: Cooking 101 curriculum ). Limited spots are available, so if you would like to participate in the 2017 4-H Cooking Competition start preparing now using 4-H Cooking 101 and plan to register for team here:

Policies and Procedures
  •  None to report
  • 4-H Presentation Manual
    Public speaking is a cornerstone of the 4-H Youth Development Program; this manual gives all the necessary information to present effectively and within the 4-H guidelines.
  • 4-H Treasurer's Tip: To help clubs gain practice, experience and best prepare for end of year annual financial reporting, one optional activity is to conduct a mid-year peer review of the club's finances. This provides an opportunity for any issues that exist regarding the club finances, to be addressed and resolved, and learn ways to improve for the remainder of the program year. Staff and volunteers can find these resources in  the 4-H Treasurer's Manual  and the individual forms needed are:  Form 5.2 Mid-Year Club Peer Review Report  and  Form 5.3 Mid-Year Club Peer Review Committee Checklist , also found on the Youth Officers page, .  
  • Camp Webinar: If you missed the camp webinar on Program Design and Development, you can now  watch the recording online ! It discusses camp organizational design, selecting activities for camp, developmental needs, and scheduling models. There are tons of tips to help you and your camp staff set up a phenomenal camp experience! The webinar was hosted by Connie Coutellier, Independent Camp Consultant; Olivia Brock, Youth Camp Staff; and John Borba, 4-H Youth Development Advisor. 

    You will be able to find this, and previous webinars from the series, at  our State website  Webinar Series  page.                             


Community Requests
  • cow
    We have a 6-8 month old heifer on our 4 acre property and we just love her but she is getting older and getting out of our fences...we would like to find her a good home...she is beautiful and sweet thought someone in 4-H might want to raise her.  She came from our ranch in Mendocino her mom was killed so we took her to our home in Santa Rosa to raise.

Status Reports
  • From the 4-H Youth Development Advisor, Steven Worker 

  • After school CLUBS UPDATE
    The 4-H After school Clubs have wrapped up their fall programming at five elementary schools in Santa Rosa and Windsor. During the Fall, youth engaged in LEGO, Soccer, Basketball, and Public Speaking projects. Projects were led by parents and teen volunteers from local high schools and colleges. 

    Over the holiday season, members had the chance to build and decorate craft stick houses. More importantly, the clubs engaged in a community service project as they partnered with UCSF Hospitals in Oakland and San Francisco and made a holiday toy drive. They collected toys and made holiday cards to bring holiday cheer to children who are spending the holidays in the hospital. 


In January, club will start exciting new projects for the winter. Science in Motion, which will focus on basic physics of flight, rocketry and roller coasters, arts and crafts, and dodge ball. Also in January, a sixth after school club will be launching in Santa Rosa at Sheppard Elementary and two clubs in Rohnert Park are expected to launch pilot projects in the Spring 2017. 

If you are interested in launching some of these projects at your school or club, contact Diego Mariscal and he can help your club offer additional programming near you. He can be reached at 707-565-3027 and


  • December Volunteer Spotlight - Naomi Edwards!

    Naomi was a member of 4-H in Montana, she enjoyed learning from members in her community. She never really thought about enrolling her children in 4-H until she saw the alumni booth at the fair, which reminded her about the great times she had in 4-H as a child. 

    With 5 children in 4-H, Naomi has dedicated many hours to 4-H. Her passion of being a mom and helping children achieve their goals has made her one of our most dedicated volunteers in 4-H. Her nomination stated “she is always helpful, willing to be flexible and happy to help.” And she is! Currently she is a project leader for Poultry, Rabbits, Photography, Baking and International studies program – where she provides resources on how to host children from across the world.  The international studies project is new to 4-H but has been part of her life for years. “We host children from around the world all year long, it's our way of traveling the world without leaving our home”

    On top of being a volunteer for projects, she volunteers for 4-H county committees. She is currently the chair for Fashion Revue Which she holds dear to her heart as it really embodies her idea of teaching 4-H members how to help the community. “last year we made pillows for cancer patients who had ports. It's a great way to show 4-H'ers how their work can benefit the community.” On top of all that she is involved in the Scholarships, I & R, Science field Day and Presentation Day.

    She began as a volunteer in Steuben, ... Read her story here. 

Sonoma County 4-H @SonomaCounty4H

Copyright © 2016 The Regents of the University of California.

University of California Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County
133 Aviation Blvd, Ste. 109, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities (Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at anrstaff/files/169224.pdf). Inquiries regarding ANR's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to John I. Sims, Affirmative Action compliance Officer/Title IX Officer, University of California, Davis, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1397.

By Steven M. Worker
Author - 4-H Youth Development Advisor
By Jesenia Mendoza
Author - 4-H Administrative Aide/Outreach
By Judy Ludovise
By Diego Mariscal