Monarch butterflies are masters of migration

Sep 2, 2011

I have already described a bit about the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) and the species' use of milkweeds.  It is one of the most recognizable insect species by folks throughout the world.  Being masters of migration, monarch butterflies can migrate over 3,100 kilometers... and are known to make transatlantic flights.

The name "Monarch" may have come from Samuel H. Scudder who published the name in 1874 as it was used to suggest it as the "largest" of butterflies... or others believe that the name was given in honor of the monarch King William - the Prince of Orange.

Monarchs go through four generations each year, with each of the first 3 generations living for about 6 weeks.  during this time the butterflies mate and the females lay eggs - up to several hundred per female.  The 4th generation lives longer, up to 8 months, and it is this generation that overwinters.  About 5 million North American monarch butterflies from areas around the continent travel to a few localized sites that are scattered along the coast of California and Baja to overwinter.

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By Robert J Keiffer
Author - Center Superintendent