California red scale crawlers are starting to march

May 27, 2011

Citricola scale crawlers have been hatching and emerging for several weeks.  Now the California red scale crawlers are joining them.  Red scale crawlers begin to emerge at 550 degree days.  Our degree day web site 
indicates that Tulare county has accumulated 571 degree day units. We use double sticky tape wrapped around twigs with female red scales to catch crawlers and confirm that emergence is matching up with the degree day units.

Now is a good time to apply insecticides, as the crawlers will settle down and become 1st instar nymphs and that is the stage that is most susceptible to insecticides.

By Elizabeth E Grafton-Cardwell
Author - Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist

Attached Images:

This sticky tape has caught citricola scale crawlers (brownish) and red scale crawlers (smaller, yellowish)

This sticky tape has caught citricola scale crawlers (brownish) and red scale crawlers (smaller, yellowish)