UCCE Sonoma celebrates Centennial

May 28, 2014

UCCE Sonoma celebrates Centennial

May 28, 2014

On May 22, UCCE Sonoma hosted a centennial luncheon celebrating the signing of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914 which established Cooperative Extensions nationwide.  Those who attended learned about the different programs and research the office is doing by way of a quiz format Power Point followed by a delicious lunch.  Here are is an example (answer below).

Cooperative Extension was signed into law in 1914.  What was the original intent of Cooperative Extension?

  1. 110
    Increase rules and regulations for farming
  2. An extension of the land grant universities to farmers and home makers.
  3. An extension of local cooperatives to farmers
  4. Develop a confusing acronym

I'll sprinkle in more questions in future Blogs, stay tuned!  B is the answer. More about Cooperative Extension can be found here.

Vintage Home Demo Agent

By Karen Giovannini
Author - Agriculture Ombudsman