Recommended ANR Web sites
Asian citrus psyllid
Basic information about Asian citrus psyllid, including identifying the insect, monitoring and management.
Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is working with the citrus industry and the state to wage an all-out battle against the Asian citrus psyllid (the insect) and huanglongbing (the disease it spreads) that are threatening California’s citrus. This tiny insect and disease have already destroyed one-third of the citrus in Florida, at a cost of over $200 million a year, and both have recently been detected in California.
Huanglongbing disease (HLB) map
An interactive map that identifies hot zones of citrus trees infected with Huanglongbing disease — a.k.a. HLB or citrus greening disease. Enter your address and it shows how close your home is to those infection areas.