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Fire Education

UCANR Fire Network Trainings

Pile Burning

Home Hardening Fundamentals 

  • In this series of videos, Fire Network members cover fundamental principles of home hardening


UCCE Forestry Research and Outreach

UCCE Post-Fire Forest Resiliency Workshop

Connecting landowners affected by recent wildfires to post-fire management concepts, strategies, professionals and programs. Click here for more information or to sign up for the next class. 

UCCE Forest Stewardship Workshop

This workshop series will help landowners develop plans to improve and protect their forest lands in an ecologically and economically sustainable manner.  The Workshops will address management objectives and planning, forest restoration, fuels reduction, project development, permitting, and cost-share opportunities.  Click here for more information or to sign up for the next class.

Fire Science Education Websites
California Fire Science consortium logo
California Fire Science Consortium - 'A Fire Science network of scientist and managers that strives to accelerate the awareness, understand and adoption  of wildland fire science information by federal, tribal, state, local and private stakeholders within similar regions.'  You can find webinars, 1-2 page research briefs and get newsletters to stay up-to-date on the latest fire science. 
Center for Fire REsearch and Outreach at UC
Center for Fire Research and Outreach at Berkeley Forests - learn about current wildfire research taking place through UC Berkeley.