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Soil & Nutrient Management

Soil Health & Testing Activity Worksheets

(1) Soil Health Overview Worksheet
(2) Planning Soil Sampling Worksheet
(3) Costs of Soil Health Assessments Table

   What is soil health? How can I assess soil health on my farm? I'm using soil health building practices like compost, cover crops, reduced tillage. How do I tell if there are any beneficial effects in soil functioning? Where should I collect samples and when?

  These worksheets lay a foundation for starting to answer these questions, focusing on desired outcomes, relevant indicators, practical planning steps, and cost considerations.

Soil Maps & Sample Collection

NRCS Soil Web Survey 
Soil Web Survey Example
SoilWeb Interactive Map
  The NRCS Soil Web Survey is a resource that provides helpful big-picture soil data & information that can be used for general farm planning. Bear in mind results are general approximations and most useful at larger scales. 

Taking Soil Samples for Your Orchard - Video Series from UC Davis Fruit & Nut Center:
  Part 1: Who, Where, and When
  Part 2: Soil Sampling Equipment
  Part 3: Taking Samples in the Orchard
  Part 4: Preparing Samples for the Lab

Notes from farmer & soil scientist Arron Wilder (Marin county): 
Soil Sample Collection by Arron Wilder, Table Top Farms  

Soil Texture
Soil Texture by "Feel" Video
NRCS Soil Texture and Structure "Feel" Method

Analyses & Interpretation Resources

List of selected labs for soil, water and tissue analysis

Soil Fertility Interpretation
Soil Fertility Notes by Arron Wilder, Table Top Farms
Example - Soil Fertility Report from Table Top Farms
PLFA Interpretation
Example - Communicating Results of Soil Testing at Yagi Sisters Farm
Slakes App for Aggregate Stability

Soil Health Resources & Food for Thought

Soil Life Website: a great educational resource created by UC Davis graduate students.
Janzen et al. 2021, "The 'soil health' metaphor: illuminating or illusory?"
Understanding Farmer Knowledge of Soil and Soil Management - Case Study

Nutrient Management Resources

CDFA FREP's California Crop Fertilization Guidelines

UCCE Nutrient Management Lab
Efficient Nutrient Management in California Vegetable Production

Soil and Fertilizers

UC ANR Compost Resources

Compost Benefits & Environmental Concerns
Assessing Compost Quality for Agriculture
CDFA's On-Farm Compost Resources
USDA's California Climate Hub, Climate-Smart Agriculture: Compost Amendments

Sonoma Compost link

Presentations from a compost workshop

UCCE Compost Program in Sonoma County  
On-Site Composting Presentation 
One Page Compost Guide
Compost Note Keeping 

Compost Regulations
Permitting Compostable Material Handling Facilities and Operations

Cornell Waste Management Institute
The Science & Engineering of Composting

compost pile