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4-H ChickenQue

Chicken Que


We will be serving up delicious chicken meals and homemade cakes at our Chicken Que event this year!



Tickets can also be purchased from a Sonoma County 4-H Member, The Sonoma County 4-H Office, Sonoma County Fair, Lunardi Electric, and Youth Ag Leadership Foundation. For online ticket orders, your tickets will be available on the survey. 

If you have questions regarding the 2025 Chicken Que, meal tickets,      t-shirt, hat orders, or you would like to donate with a check, please email chickenque@yahoo.com and we'll get in contact with you.


The Chicken Que event raises funds to support Sonoma County 4-H Programs. We are grateful to the 4-H community and the community at large for supporting our youth programs. We were back last year in 2024 thank to all your support! We are back again this year, stronger than ever in 2025, with live music, booths, first responders and community partners! We are looking forward to you all coming together and celebrating with us this year! It’s exciting to be able to continue the Chicken Que tradition.                                         

The Chicken Que Committee appreciates the ongoing support that helps provide quality programs for our youth in Sonoma County.


Thank You To Our 2024 Sponsors

CknQue Sponsors Final



T-shirt Logo Design Contest Winner 2024


Canfield 4-H Club


canva ckque



  • Jackie Roberts
    May 6, 2022

    I joined the 4-H when I was 8 yrs old. I learned so much about the ponies and horses we had. I showed my pony at the Petaluma Fair. I learned how to cook and our family raised a few rabbits. And we made life time friends. I am 64 now and have attended the 4-H Chicken Que every year. I have taken my children too. This year the chicken was as perfect as always! But I really really really missed the cake! It was good to see all the turn out, even with the Drive thru.

  • Bud and Rose Johnson Family
    May 1, 2020

    For the Johnson family 4-H was a way of life for so many years. Dad was beef leader for both Stuben and Canfield. 4-H taught all of us so many things that have helped shape who we are today. I remember Dad getting up early to go help start the fire for chicken. Cakes being made for the cake walk. And the egg toss was everyone's all time favorite event. 4-H helped me to get over my fear of public speaking. Being a 1969 All Star put my new found skill to use on many occasions. Being a leader for a boy's cooking class really helped hone my patience skills. Its great to hear how 4-H has kept up with the times and is meeting the needs of families in the 21st century.

  • Marshall Family
    May 1, 2020

    The 4-H ChickenQue is my favorite memory being a member of Town and Country 4-H club. I loved being involved in the sewing, baking and cooking projects. Now as an adult it makes me proud that my daughter can be involved with Penngrove 4-H. She is currently in Arts & Crafts, Beginning 4-H and Record Book projects. She has decided she soon wants to do meat rabbits. I can’t wait to see her adventure off into other projects and blossom. 4-H is more than an agricultural club it’s a life skills club. We are Sonoma County 4-H Strong!!!

  • Traci Tesconi
    May 1, 2020

    My family has been involved in the Sonoma County 4-H for generations and has volunteered at the 4-H Chickenque for decades. My two children loved to work at the Chickenque these past years and even worked extra shifts. We were disappointed to find out the 4-H Chickenque would not be held this year, but, delighted to see that local businesses, community leaders, and the Bull Radio station have made fundraising possible for our local 4-H program. We were happy to donate.

  • Amanda Nelson Stephens
    April 29, 2020

    4-H has given me so much. I became an Agricultural Biologist because of 4-H. During college, I was able to become a leader within the College of Ag at Cal Poly. I still, to this day, rely on my 4-H skills that I learned. I started the beekeeping project here in Sonoma County, which lead me to being able to teach young people about my passion. I continue to teach youngsters about bees and as a County All Star, am able to teach youth that don't usually know about Agriculture, about our wonderful environment. Without 4-H, I would not be the outgoing person I am today. 4-H Chicken Q and Summer camp were the highlight of my years with 4-H. I will never forget and love to support the youth when I can.

  • Heidi Darling
    April 29, 2020

    My husband was in 4H....cough/cough many years ago. His best memories were hanging at the fair, learning responsibilities, showing, being around friends, and seeing others grow. To see our son go through this same experience made our hearts swell. Being on the committee and coming across a sponsor that gave money to invest in 4H so his future kids will get this same experience....priceless and a memory I won't forget.

  • Amy Marshall
    April 29, 2020

    My grandma was the sewing leader of Canfield for longer than I’d been alive when I joined in the early 80s. My grandma passed away shortly after I joined, but I continued on through high school raising rabbits and market lambs, showing my dog, attending events and became an All Star my junior year of high school. As a parent, I wanted to share my childhood adventures and enrolled my son. He too raised rabbits and trained the family dog. He enjoyed being on the staff at camp every year throughout high school. My niece is now in 4-H. I’m excited to see her grow and learn in this wonderful program.

  • Jeni Spencer
    April 23, 2020

    4-H is quite literally in my blood. My parents were both in 4-H in the 1940’s-50’s. They met at Las Posadas 4-H Camp in 1954. My paternal grandmother was in charge of the camp during that time. I remember as a small child going with her to the campground for ‘clean up days’ after the campers had come and gone. She was also the founder and Community Leader of Twin Hills 4-H in Sebastopol. My grandpa barbecued for the very first Chicken Que. When I was 9 years old my parents signed me up with our local club which at the time was Live Oak in Petaluma. I spent 7 years in 4-H taking projects like cooking, leathercraft, sewing and Market Swine. I served in several officer positions, my favorite being Secretary. When my own daughter was 9, in 1993 we found a club for her in Sonoma. That’s when I became a project leader and eventually went on to become the Community Leader for Sonoma Valley 4-H, which is where I am currently. I am now the project leader for sewing/quilting, tablesetting, Beekeeping and Beginning 4-H as well as the Community Leader. I now have a 16 year old son who is our club president. Next year will be his last year in 4-H and will probably be when I retire as well. I will take many fond 4-H memories with me.

  • Shirley and Bob Dempel
    April 23, 2020

    A Tribute to 4-H Chickenque By Bob and Shirley Dempel In the Dempel household, at the beginning of each year the calendar was marked 4-H Chickenque on the first Sunday of May. That was an important event for their family. Both Bob and Shirley grew up in the 4-H program and credit the program for having a positive influence in their lives. They have continued to support the program throughout their lives. They came back to Sonoma County in 1965. That’s when they went to their first Chickenque. Their children were too young to join 4-H, but Shirley began participating as a leader in the county program. One of her jobs was to work on Chickenque publicity. During the 70’s and 80’s attendance was approximately 9500 people. In the early 70’s Shirley was able to have the Sonoma County 4-H Chickenque registered as the largest chicken barbeque in the Guiness Book of World Records. As their three daughters grew older and joined the program, the family all worked on every aspect of the event. As new, young 4-H members the girls served coffee and cleaned tables while Shirley supervised. When they got older, they worked on the serving lines, then as they became Junior Leaders in the program, they took on leadership roles. It was difficult to find time to eat together as a family because each had responsibilities throughout the day. Bob was the last one home, since for many years, his job was to wash the many big pots at the end of the day. The Dempel family has fond memories of their time working on Chickenque. The girls got to see their friends from throughout the county, make new friends, and just enjoy being a part of a big event. When Chickenque began, its only focus was to raise money for the county program. The money sent members to leadership conferences, help support Summer Camp, provided project enrichment, and many other program needs. Starting in the 90’s, in addition to raising money, Chickenque also became a place to showcase what 4-H members do in their project work. Clubs set up booths demonstrating the projects available to young people. It provided another opportunity for members to participate in Chickenque. It highlighted the value of the 4-H program to young children in our county. Bob and Shirley recognized the importance of the event to the ongoing 4-H program. They received personal satisfaction in knowing they were giving back to a program that provided them with such a valuable foundation to life.

  • Nell Western
    April 23, 2020

    I've been on Chicken Que committee for 5 years. It's always amazing to me that somewhere around 700 volunteers show up to make the event happen... because it truly wouldn't happen without that support, without that community. This year we asked people in that community to tell their 4-H story in an interview for the upcoming radiothon. To support the virtual event so we can continue to raise money for projects and programs in Sonoma County. Over 30 people said yes and I was lucky enough to talk with them or read about their history with 4-H, how it impacted them and/or their kids, and why they feel it's important to continue to support the program. I loved listening to so many different histories and stories from every corner of the county. I love that the Sonoma County 4-H community steps up to do whatever is needed to keep the program strong for our kids.

    April 17, 2020

    I have personally watched 4H transform my oldest child. He started his 4H career as a painfully shy little boy, who hardly spoke to anyone. He has morphed into a confident, well spoken young man, who isn't afraid of hard work. Both of my children have made friendships that will last a lifetime, and have learned skills and values that will follow them the rest of their life.

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