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Events and Activities

Sonoma County 4-H Annual Events

Achievement Night (October)
Awards, recognition, and other achievement are recognized. 

Presentation Day (February) 
4-H youth members deliver their presentation and receive feedback from evaluators.

4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest (February)
Livestock judging is a process where 4-H youth members evaluate, select, place, and learn the various livestock species–beef cattle, sheep, and swine.

Fashion Revue (April) 
Fashion Revue is an opportunity for 4-H youth members to show off their knowledge, skills, and creativity used to create clothing and textiles. 

4-H ChickenQue (May)
Chickenque is an open house to introduce the 4-H program to members of our community, as well as a fundraiser for the Sonoma County 4-H

Youth Poultry Showdown (May)
This is an annual poultry competition open to youth from Sonoma, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, and Napa Counties.

Youth Scholarships
Sonoma County 4-H Council awards a total of 10, 10-$1,000 scholarships annually.

4-H Summer Camp (June & July)
Sonoma 4-H Camp Week 1–Camp Tamarancho(Boy Scouts)-June 22-28, 2025  

Sonoma 4-H Camp Week 2 – Mendocino Woodlands-July 5-11, 2025 

4-H Camp empowers young people to share as partners in decision making, camp planning and implementation, and camp leadership on a day-to-day basis.

Sonoma 4-H Calendar 2024-2025

Other 4-H Events

State 4-H Events

  • California Focus - Participate in legislative, political and judicial processes at state capital (ages 14-19). June
  • State Leadership Conference - Advanced leadership training for high school 4-H youth from around the state (ages 13-19) July or August
  • State 4-H Field Day -May 25, 2024

National 4-H Events