Posts Tagged: veterinarians
COVID-19 Virtual Symposium: 'You Are My Heroes'
“I just wanted to thank you! You are my heroes.” So began an unsolicited email to UC Davis distinguished professor Walter Leal, who organized and moderated a UC Davis-based COVID-19 virtual symposium spotlighting the expertise of physicians, scientists and a COVID-19...
UC Davis Chancellor Gary May delivered the COVID-19 seminar introduction. In the right corner is organizer-moderator Walter Leal.
This is a slide from the COVID-19 seminar zeroing in on the effects of social distancing regarding the 1918 flu.
The virtual symposium: Top row, organizer-moderator Walter Leal and panelists physician-scientists Nate Kupperman and Emanuel Maverakis, all of UC Davis. Bottom row (from left) veterinarian-scientist Nicole Baumgarth of UC Davis, pediatrician State Sen. Richard Pan, District 6, and chair of Senate Committee on Health; and physician-scientist Stuart Cohen, UC Davis.
Michael B. A. Oldstone, M.D., of Scripps Research Institute, who pioneered the field of viral immunology and has been a leader in viral pathogenesis and immunity for the past four decades, answers a question from symposium organizer-moderator Walter Leal.