Posts Tagged: garden
A Golden Paper Wasp
We're so accustomed to seeing the non-native European paper wasp, Polistes dominula, that it's quite a surprise to encounter a native, the golden paper wasp, P. aurifer, and especially in the winter. It was--and is--sheltering at the UC Davis Bee Haven. The half-acre garden, open...
A golden paper wasp, Polistes aurier, at the UC Davis Bee Haven on Saturday. It is a native species. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
As its name implies, the European paper wasp, is a non-native species. This image was taken in Vacaville. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
The Missing Mistletoe and the Non-Purple Great Purple Hairstreak Butterfly
You may not recognize mistletoe unless it sports a red bow and is hanging over a doorway during the holiday season. You may not recognize The Great Purple Hairstreak, Atlides halesus. Its host plant is mistletoe. (Color-cognizant folks who are fond of purple won't recognize it,...
Mistletoe infests this Modesto ash in Vacaville. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
This is the Great Purple Hairstreak, Atlides halesus. It is misnamed; it is not purple, but iridescent blue. Its host plant is mistletoe. (Photo by Greg Kareofelas)
Who Will Find and Photograph the First Bumble Bee of the Year?
Who will find and photograph the first bumble bee of the year in Yolo and Solano counties and win the fifth annual Robbin Thorp Memorial First-Bumble-Bee-of-the-Year Contest? In 2024, Fairfield resident Nancy Hansen won the contest with a video of B. melanopygus that...
UC Davis distinguished emeritus professor Robbin Thorp (1933-2019) with his screen saver image of Franklin's bumble bee. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Samantha Murray: For the Love of Bees and the Love of Music
Hearing a queen bee piping is music to her ears. So is the shimmering sound of the harp. Meet Samantha Murray, the newly selected garden coordinator of the UC Davis Bee Haven, a pollinator and demonstration garden installed in the fall of 2009 by the UC Davis Department of...
UC Davis distinguished professor (now emerita) Diane Ullman with some of the art that she and Donna Billick of the UC Davis Art-Science Fusion Program installed in the Bee Haven. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A ceramic-mosaic sculpture of a worker bee, the work of Donna Billick of Davis, anchors the garden. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
This is how the UC Davis Bee Haven looked in May of 2012. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
The buzzing of the bees may some day mingle with the harp music of Samantha Murray, new coordinator of the UC Davis Bee Haven.
Congrats to Danielle Rutkowski: Early Career Entomology Award
We're delighted that microbial ecologist Danielle Rutkowski, a UC Davis doctoral alumna and now a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow at Iowa State University, has just received a Royal Entomological Society Early Career Entomology Award, “Highly Commended,” for her...
This is one of the bumble bees that microbial ecologist Danielle Rutkowski studies: a yellow-faced bumble bee, Bombus vosnesenskii. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)