Posts Tagged: COVID-19 symposium
Mark Your Calendar for This UC Davis Symposium on COVID-19 Tests
(Note: UC Davis Distinguished Professor Walter Leal focuses his research on the biochemical and molecular basis of insect olfaction, or how insects perceive the world through the sense of smell. However, he is also heavily involved in public service.) It's not only good news, but...
UC Davis distinguished professor Walter Leal is his way to obtain a COVID-19 saliva test at a UC Davis kiosk. The saliva tests are given, by appointment, to members of the UC Davis and Davis communities. (Photo by Walter Leal)
An image taken at a UC Davis kiosk where members of the UC Davis and Davis communities are given COVID-19 saliva tests. (Photo by Walter Leal)
Did You Miss the UC Davis-Based COVID-19 Symposium?
If you missed the UC Davis-based Third COVID-19 Symposium, headlined by Dr. Robert Gallo, not to worry. You can view it on YouTube at Focusing primarily on vaccines, it was broadcast Wednesday, June 3 on both Zoom and YouTube. UC Davis distinguished professor...
Dr. Robert Gallo discussed vaccines at the UC Davis-based COVID-19 Symposium on June 3. (Screen shot)
Honey bee geneticist Robert E. Page Jr. offered his comments on whether bee sting therapy could be a treatment for COVID-19 patients. (Screen shot)
Growing Interest in Bee Sting Therapy Research as a Possible COVID-19 Treatment?
"Honey bee venom treatment may become a new tool in the search for new ways to prevent infection with COVID-19," says Norman Gary, emeritus professor entomology at the University of California, Davis. He alerted UC Davis scientists to an article in that indicated this...
Former professional bee wrangler Norm Gary getting ready for a documentary in 2010. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
This is the sign in front of the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility on Bee Biology Road, UC Davis. It once doubled as a bee hive; Laidlaw treated his arthritis with some of the bee venom. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Could Bee Sting Therapy Possibly Have a Role in COVID-19 Treatment?
Could bee sting therapy possibly have a role in COVID-19 treatment? Maybe. Maybe not. Should in-depth, scientific research be launched? Yes, say a trio of researchers in an article published in Lead author Wei Yang, an oncologist from China, and two associates...
Can bee venom therapy have a role in treating COVID-19 patients? That remains to be seen or studied. This image shows a bee sting in action. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A frame of honey bees. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Vaccine Expert Kate Broderick Named a Primary Speaker at COVID-19 Symposium
Noted vaccine expert Kate Broderick, who is leading an INOVIO research team in San Diego to develop a DNA vaccine for COVID-19, will deliver a presentation and answer questions at the UC Davis-based COVID-19 Virtual Symposium on Wednesday, June 3. “We are fortune to obtain Dr. Broderick, who...
The June 3 COVID-19 symposium will feature leaders in the field.