Posts Tagged: injury
Protecting hazelnut trunks from herbicide injury
Sucker control in Oregon hazelnut orchards is a season-long struggle against the tree's natural growth habit. Hazelnut trees grow naturally as a multi-stemmed bush, but in Oregon, hazelnuts are trained as a single-trunk tree to facilitate mechanical maintenance, harvest, and reduce pathogens. In...
Video based on Al-Khatib, Hanson course wins Gold Award
'Herbicide Injury" tutorial builds on popular website A cartoon character that looks suspiciously like a Department of Plant Sciences professor leads an animated, online tutorial that recently won a 2022 Gold Award from the Association for Communication Excellence. UC Davis weed experts Kassim...
Root inhibiting herbicide injury on processing tomatoes
Root-inhibiting herbicides (like pendimethalin or trifluralin) are soil-applied and pre-plant incorporated as a standard practice for conventional processing tomatoes in the Sacramento Valley. Earlier this year, I visited a young processing tomato field with herbicide injury on a significant...
Tomato plant with herbicide injury (roots)
A six-year evaluation of the cumulative impacts of glyphosate impacts on orchard crops.
Article also published in California Weed Science Society Journal (March 2021 issue) -Brad Glyphosate is one of the most commonly used herbicides in orchard crops in California both in terms of treated acres and amount of active ingredient applied. Weed managers are generally familiar...
Extension Fact Sheets on herbicide drift on speciality crops (midwest focus)
A colleague at Ohio State University (sorry, I mean The Ohio State University) shared a recent series of extension publications they put together related to specialty crop injury from the auxininic herbicides dicamba and 2,4-D. Dicamba and 2,4-D Fact Sheet Series Admittedly (and...